In the eyes of some, the proliferation of online marketing and products in the marketplace have diminished the value of branding as a differentiator. To some degree this may be true, but one only needs to look at the power of online influencers to know an individual brand can still carry a lot of clout -it just needs to speak a little differently to its audience than it did before the Internet.
At CO2 Group Marketing, we'll help you create a brand that resonates with modern consumers and builds equity and loyalty throughout the customer journey. Our brand development services include:
Market Research
Consumer Research
Logo Design
Brand Element Design
Color Palette Selection
Brand Style Guides
Business and Product Naming
Corporate Identity
What is a Product Design?
Product design is the detailed specification of a manufactured item's parts and their relationship to the whole. A product design needs to take into account how the item will perform its intended functionality in an efficient, safe and reliable manner. The product also needs to be capable of being made economically and to be attractive to targeted consumers.