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Smartphones have revolutionized photography. With them, we all have a relatively good camera at our disposal at almost all times. However, equipment alone does not make for great product photography. Lighting, composition, perspective, creativity and editing are equally important. And professional equipment is still highly recommended (although professional photographers have taken some phenomenal images with smartphones).


CO2 Group Marketing provides high quality, professional product photography for all your marketing needs including:

  • Packaging

  • POP Displays

  • Trade Shows Displays

  • Billboards

  • Signs & Banners

  • Sales Collateral

  • Presentations

  • Multimedia

  • Technical Resources

  • PR

What are the Most Common Shots in Product Photography?

Common product photography shots include product groupings, shots to indicate scale, shots staged in a studio, isolation (iso) shots, and lifestyle shots. The latter two are described below.


  1. Isolation Shot - Typically taken on a white or solid background using the same studio setup. All or part of the product may be shown. The background can be easily removed in an image editing program if desired and replaced with another background. Often used for web sites, online stores, catalogs, user manuals and press releases

  2. Lifestyle Shot - Shows the product in use in a real or staged setting. Demonstrates the what, where, how and why (i.e., benefits) of using the product. Often used on product packaging, POP displays web sites, signage and trade show exhibits


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